Saturday, February 27, 2010

Watch What you Say

Taking our first carousel ride at the Mall of Georgia

I know, I know...paci is for naps. But he doesn't feel good today and that's a battle I'm not going to worry about right now. :-)

You know how they say "children are like sponges". That has never been more true than at my house lately. N's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, and I've never been more sensitive to the things that I say and (regretfully) listen to on TV. He will repeat something so fast you don't even have time to blink. It's really made me think about the stuff that comes from my I modeling a Christ-like attitude for my child? No one is perfect, but it's something I never really gave enough thought about in the past. Here are some of our latest words, out of the mouth of N:

"Tee tee"..............self explanatory
"See-A".................Sierra (our dog)
"Nana"..................Banana/My Mom
"Beep Beep".............Car
"Nigh Nigh"..........Goodnight/Naptime
"Ah ont tha"............I Want That
"Ow".........................Out (as in immediately, right this second!)

Good man....takes his reading material to the toilet, which happened to be in the living room.

Nosy boy rummaging through my mom's cabinets


Sue said...

Add "Oh Man!" When something doesn't happen just as he expects...

Sue said...

And Ah-cur for Oscar!

sojournerdiaries said...

wow he's getting to so big! give him a hug from us! love you :)